By downloading special mobile applications*2 for smart phones and tablets (free of charge), and connecting the Wireless DJ System via Wi-Fi, DJ play can be enjoyed using music stored in each of these devices(Max four devices). In addition, the included “rekordbox?” music management software for DJ play enables DJing with music stored inside a Windows PCs*3 and Mac. *1 Pioneer research as of August 9th 2012.*2 Downloadable from the end of August 2012.*3 Requires PC with wireless LAN functions or wireless LAN networkThe combined structure of two players and a mixer means users can DJ with this device alone. The mixer part is equipped with ports for the connection of external hardware such as CDJ players and turntables, etc., so it can also be used as an independent 2-channel mixer. 頂尖電音emulator艾美雷特觸摸觸控DJ打碟系統(tǒng),誠邀省市工程商燈光總包代理批發(fā)經(jīng)銷零售銷售 湖北、武漢 ,湖南、長沙Emulator艾美雷特DJ觸摸打碟機現(xiàn)貨總代理 廣東、廣州、深圳,佛山、東莞、海南、???、三亞,多點透明觸控打碟機混音設備 福建、福州、廈門,泉州、溫州,江西、南昌透明一體多點觸摸DJ打碟系統(tǒng)全國海量供應 浙江、杭州、金華,寧波、紹興,嘉興、臺州,安徽、合肥DJ觸控(摸)打碟機 我們的成長始終與電聲樂器與音響周邊緊密相連。 頂尖電音觸摸DJ打碟系統(tǒng) 多點觸控系統(tǒng)操作全景透明控制體驗和視覺體驗。DJ設備淘寶搜索店鋪:(頂尖電音) 服務時間:周一至周六10:00-19:00頂尖電音 觸摸打碟系統(tǒng) 提供多種定制配裝服務,已有本色,muse,菲比,88,蘇荷,mix等多間酒吧使用本公司提供的觸摸打碟系統(tǒng),央視電視臺選定頂尖觸摸打碟系統(tǒng)設備節(jié)目演出。即日起購買觸摸打碟系統(tǒng),享有1年免費保修服務,免去后顧之憂!真誠期待單位及個人于任一互利的合作與開發(fā)方式。 全國免費熱線:400 000 3480傳真:020-84583458客服QQ:85603250, 958053477 Жиджейский пульт, сенсорный DJ-пульт Сенсорные интерактивные Dj-пульты на различных технологиях. Сенсорная поверхность Dj-пульт может представлять из себя: проз
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