YTN-60 10Mpa【紅旗】耐震壓力表 YTN系列 耐振壓力表/YN Series Aseismatic Pressure Gauge 耐振壓力表廣泛適用于石油、礦山\液壓等工業(yè)領域中,它外觀精致,質優(yōu)價廉,能抗工作環(huán)境較劇烈的振動和介質壓力的脈沖影響,具有較高的測量精確度和優(yōu)越的抗疲勞性 能。 YN Series Aseismatic Pressure Gauge is widely applied in Petrol,Mine,Hydraulic industries.With delicate appearance and good performance/price ratio,this kind of gauge can stand severe vibration and medium pressure pulse effect from the working environment.It does also have high—class Precision Grade and good performance of an ti-fatigue. 主要技術指標 Main Technical Parameter: 型號 Model 標度范圍 Scale Range MPa(bar、psi) 精確度等級 Precision Grade YN-40 YN-50 YN-60 YN-100 YN-150 0~0.1 0.16 0.25 0.4 0.6 11.62.546 1016254060100 -0.1~0 -0.1~0.06 -0.1~0.15 -0.1~0.3 -0.1~0.5 -0.1~0.9 -0.1~1.5 -0.1~2.4 2.5 1.6 1、使用環(huán)境溫度:Permissible Working Environment: -40~50℃(表殼內充甘油) -40~50℃(Filled with Glycerol) 表殼內充甘油 全國免費客服咨詢及報價熱線:400 668 6682 13968707579